One thing you learn fast when you step into the crypto game is that you will see yourself registering in multiple exchanges. You see a promising coin, an excellent opportunity but most likely you will find all those coins scattered on various exchanges. Coinigy seems to be quite a progressive approach to solving this problem. It is, without a doubt the most widely used platform by the most successful day traders today.
Besides the better charts you get with Coinigy, there are serval extras you will receive with your subscription. The most important one you get, however, is the ability to setup Take Profit and Stop-loss orders as not that many exchanges offer this.
Furtherly features of Coinigy are:
Arbitrage Scanner This tool is designed to find gaps in the prices between several exchanges. Please refer to our education pages about arbitrage.
Crypto Ticker as Chrome Extension
SMS Price Alerts A neat Google Sheets integration, for spreadsheet powered traders
Newswire Module
Marketwatch for Portfolio & market trends
A Chart Scanner, which searches for technical setups across the pairings
A Social Scanner, which scans social networks for current trading sentiments
A Block Explorer
and the list goes on..
This is probably the ultimate all in one app needed for the daily Trader..
Here is a sneak peek of the cockpit found on Coinigy.com:

1) At the top of the page on the left, one can find buttons that allow users to access different features. Going left to right, we have: - ‘Apps’: These are the Coinigy apps in a dropdown menu. Apps include SMS Alerts, NewsWire, and CryptoTicker, among others with more coming soon. Visit the apps folder in the Coinigy helpdesk for more information regarding the various apps. - ‘Markets’: This button takes you right back to the markets homepage, leaving off on the last exchange and market you were looking at.
- ‘Alerts’: This page allows you to set alerts for your account. Alerts can be set to specify an exchange, market, and price, with the ability to add in custom notes to the alert. You will also find any active alerts you have on your account and a history of alerts set. -‘Accounts’: Here, you can find a list of all of your connected exchange accounts and what permissions Coinigy has enabled on those accounts. You can also find the ability to add new exchanges on the left, or add wallet addresses and/or third-party service integrations such as Slack.
- ‘Balances’: This page displays all of your coin balances across exchanges. On this page, you can also find the ability to ‘Sweep Dust’ a coin’s balance – that is, remove from view minute amounts of a coin that don’t meet an exchange’s minimum value to trade. - ‘Orders’: Finally, on this page, users can find information regarding their orders here. Open orders are displayed along with your order history, and a short rundown of your account balances appears on theleft. One also has the ability to place an order on this page. 2) In the top right corner of Coinigy,one can find general site buttons. - First, you can find your account’s subscription information regarding how much longer your subscription lasts.
- Next, you can find the button that brings up the chat box; the number displayed next to the text bubble icon refers to the number of new messages in chat.
- To the right, clicking the ‘Settings’ brings up a dropdown menu where you can direct yourself to the ‘My Account’, ‘API Accounts’, ‘Favorites’, ‘Activity Log’, ‘Chat Settings’, and ‘Notification [Settings]’ page.
- The ‘Help’ button is your go-to place should you run into problems. Here, you can find links to solution articles, the Coinigy helpdesk, and a place to submit bug reports.
- Finally, you have the ‘Logout’ button in the top right corner. As you would expect, this logs you out of your Coinigy account and brings you to the front page of the site. 3) On the left hand side of the main markets page, users can find an alphabetical list of all of the exchanges that Coinigy supports. Once you scroll and find a market to explore, a list of all of that specific exchange’s pairings will appear in the column directly to the right of the market list. Likewise, clicking the word ‘Balance’ at the top of this box will display your coin holdings.
4) The vertical bar of icons squeezed between the main market graph and market list is where users can find basic charting tools. These functions allow you to do things like draw specific lines, shapes and angles on your graph, and place wave patterns and ranges overtop charts for better personal analysis. After clicking an icon, some functions allow even further customizations of that tool.
5) Just above the graph on the markets homepage, you can find a row of tools and settings to completely customize your graphs. Starting from left side of this box with the cross icon, we have: - ‘Time Interval’: This is the interval adjuster. By default, one interval is equal to one hour. By clicking on ‘1h’ or the three vertical dots or the down arrow button directly to the right of ‘1h’, the time interval can be changed to fit your needs. - ‘Bar Style’: Users can change the style of their bars on their charts. Coinigy offers the ability to display your charts as bars, candlesticks, hollow candlesticks, lines, lines with area, or Heikin-Ashi candlesticks. - ‘Chart Properties’: The gear icon is a general settings button for your charts. Here, you can make both minor and major changes to the way your graphs are displayed with options for style, scales,background, and timezones. - ‘Indicators’: This button is where users performing in-depth trading analyses of specific markets will find the most helpful tools. Coinigy offers over 70 indicators, with popular tools such as Bollinger Bands, and others like Money Flow and Klinger Oscillators. The down arrow button attached to this list also allows to you to save displayed indicators on a chart. - ‘Compare or Add Symbol’: As the name implies, here you can add a new symbol to compare or view more than one chart.
- ‘Undo’ and ‘Redo’: Much like other software programs, these back and forward arrows allow you to undo and redo recent changes that you have made.
- ‘Fullscreen mode’: Fullscreens your current Coinigy graph.
- The five colored boxes at the end of box #3 are all for performing actions beyond chart analysis. ‘Blockchain Data’ allows you to look at information regarding a specific coin’s blockchain. ‘Set Alert’ brings up a box on the left that gives you the ability to set an alert for market movement. ‘Buy Order’ and ‘Sell Order’ allow you to place buy and sell orders, respectively. Finally, ‘Position Options’ allow you to display your current and past positions for a pairing.
6) In the top right of the charts, users can find tools to save their charts. The first icon, a green camera, allows you to screenshot the graph you’re currently on – including all settings and indicators present. Taking a snapshot will let you download the picture, or share a link including the ability to tweet it out. The two other buttons allow users to save their chart’s current settings and indicators and also display an organized list of saved chart settings, respectively. 7) Directly to the right of your market graph, Coinigy displays what the orderbook currently looks like for your exchange and coin pairing. One can also find trade details like highs/lows, bids/asks, and volume. If you notice the tabs above the orderbook, you are currently on the ‘Data’ tab. The other tabs include: - ‘Trade’: Place buy and sell orders on the current displayed coin pairing. You can also find your order history and the ability to add API accounts here. - ‘Alerts’: Set and view price alerts you currently have enabled.
- ‘Economy’: Find basic network details regarding the coin whose market you are viewing. Here, you can find information about a wide range about cryptocurrencies including consensus type, marketcapitalization, and supply.
8) While still under the ‘Data’ tab from #7, one can find the order history on the right. This box shows the price trend of your current coin pairing and the most recent history of trades filled.
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