This Guide was created to help you get your Solaris Masternode set up, step by step. If you havn't already read our post on masternodes, proof of stake, and solaris go ahead and do so now! Please follow each step carefully. This guide was made using Virmach server. VPS instructions are available via Bitcoin talk forum I use a terminal server because its easier, especially if you are not tech savvy and are not familiar with coding/linux. Refer to the Virmach guide for more details. You will need the following.
1,000.1 XLR coins. You only need 1,000 for your masternode, but do need a bit more to make the transaction.
Latest version of the XLR wallet – check the Solaris website for the official version
10 minutes of your time
Step 1 – Enable Coin Control
Go to Settings, select Options, Wallet, and tick Enable Coin Control.

Step 2 – Create Receive Address Select RECEIVE, Type your masternode’s Alias into LABEL. Alias can be anything, we often go with MN1 or MN2 etc… Then click Request Payment.

Step 3 – Send 1000 XLR to new address Copy Address and close window. Then select SEND Paste the new address in PAY TO: Type 1000 in Amount. Click yellow button Send at the bottom left Click okay to confirm the transaction fee Must be 1000 XLR – do not alter this number for fees, etc. and send the amount in one single transaction. If you have a masternode already set up, you MUST use COIN CONTROL so coins are not sent from an existing masternode.

Second. Now go to the Transactions tab and double click on the Transaction you just made. Record the TRANSACTION_ID in Notepad, it will be required in the next step. You also need to wait until 15+ confirmations on this transaction before continuing.

Go to Tools > Debug Console

Type the following command and copy the generated key to Notepad, this will be your PRIVATE_KEY masternode genkey.
While in debug console, type in the following and copy the last digit in quotations, this will be your INDEX_ID masternode outputs
Step 5 – Configure your local wallet This part you must follow carefully. You will need to open the Solaris Folder in APPDATA. To reach this folder – start in File Explorer and follow the following tree This PC > OS (C:) > Users > Login Name > Appdata > Roaming > Solaris
Add a line below the text containing this information: make sure to include the port after the IP address (:60020) It should look something like this:

If you can not see APPDATA – see this link on Microsoft for help. If you use an OS X wallet your directory will be in ~/Library/Application Support/Solaris.

Next, open “ solaris.conf ” with Notepad and add the following: (change the text in bold) rpcallowip= rpcuser=ANY_LONG_USERNAME rpcpassword=ANY_LONG_PASSWORD staking=1 server=1 listen=1 port=60020 masternode=1 masternodeaddr= VPS_IP:60020 (get this in the virmach control area when you log in) externalip= VPS_IP:60020 (get this in the virmach control area when you log in) masternodeprivkey= PRIVATE_KEY
SAVE BEFORE CLOSING Step 6 – Restart wallet & Unlock the collateral Re-open your wallet so the changes from the masternode.conf take effect. Select the SEND tab, click on INPUT. In list mode there is a lock next to your 1000 XLR collateral amount. Click on the lock – click on “unlock unspent” within the dropdown. Now your collateral is unlocked.

Step 7 – Start Masternode Select the Masternode Tab, select the the alias you created earlier and click “Start Alias”. A message will appear that the Masternode was started successfully. If you have errors: 1st Recheck your work. If you get the “could not allocate vin error” – check coin control and make sure that 1000 coins are in the specified address and that the collateral is unlocked as well as your wallet. If you get the error “could not allocate txin” or “could not allocate IP” – start your masternode through the debug console. Run the command: startmasternode all 0