MyEtherWallet gives you the ability to generate new wallets so you can store your Ether yourself, not on an exchange. This process happens entirely on your computer, not their servers. Therefore, when you generate a new wallet, you are responsible for safely backing it up. MyEtherWallet.com & MyEtherWallet CX are not "web wallets". You do not create an account or give them your Ether to hold onto. All data is created on our computer/your browser, not their servers. It's not a website where you put your Ether and they store it for you. They just make it easy for you to save your wallet information in your browser/on your computer. Then they give you a place where you can access that information and do stuff with it. MyEtherWallet is also widely used for ICO's to receive ICO tokens. You can store your ETH here, and once you send your ETH for a token, the ico token is usually sent back to the same address. More will be received below. Additionally, MyEtherWallet is a great place to use your trezor or ledger cold storage wallet. Please refer to our reviews on which one we prefer to use and why. Also guides on how to connect your cold storage wallet to myetherwallet can be found here.
Create a Wallet
In a new browser tab open www.myetherwallet.com Enter a strong password to create your new wallet.

Store Your Private Key
Download the Keystore/JSON File, Remember where you save this file, you will need it later.

Save Your Wallet Address
In order to receive Ethereum from CoinBase or any other wallet you must copy the MyEtherWallet address to use as the address to send to in CoinBase. Keep this browser tab open. (Addresses in picture are not real, dont use them!)

Send Coinbase Ethereum to Your MyEtherWallet: Buy Ethereum Using a Web Browser
Go to the Buy/Sell page.
Set the currency to Ethereum.
Enter the amount in ETH or your local currency that you wish to buy. 4. Select your desired payment method.
Confirm the order is correct and click Buy Ethereum.
Using the iOS & Android Apps
Tap the menu icon near the top left of the screen to open the Navbar. 2. Select Buy from the Navbar.
Set the currency to Ethereum.
Enter the amount in ETH or your local currency that you wish to buy. 5. Select your desired payment method.
After reviewing your order, tap Buy Ethereum.
Send Bought Ethereum to your MyEtherWallet
Navigate to the Accounts link on the main navigation bar
Select the Send button for the Ethereum wallet
On the send dialog, Paste the wallet address you copied in the step above from your MyEtherWallet.
Enter the amount of Ethereum you'd like to send in the Amount field.
Click Continue
Confirm the details of the transaction and complete the send.